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How to cancel a subscription

This tutorial will show you how to cancel auto-renewal for your recurring subscription. Once you cancel auto-renewal, you will not be charged automatically on any subsequent billing date. If you wish to receive a refund, please read our article on NordVPN's refund policy.

You can follow the same steps to cancel your NordPass, NordLocker, Dedicated IP, or bundle subscription services.

In order to cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription:

  1. Head to your Nord Account, log in and open the Billing section. 
  2. Go to the Subscriptions tab.
  3. Click Cancel next to "Auto-renewal.
  4. Choose Cancel auto-renewal.

    NordAccount subscription cancelation.png

    NordVPN subscription cancel steps 2.png

You will receive a confirmation email to your registered email account if you are successful. 

Google Play Store: Check the Google Play support article about canceling subscription auto-renewal.
Apple App Store: Check the Apple support article about canceling subscription auto-renewal.
Amazon App Store: Check the Amazon support article about canceling subscription auto-renewal.

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