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What is Threat Protection Pro and Threat Protection?

Threat Protection Pro is a feature that automatically blocks ads, trackers, and malware URLs. It also deletes malware that has been downloaded. For Threat Protection Pro to work, an active VPN connection is not required. To learn more about it, click here.

Threat Protection Pro is available on:

  • Windows (You may also choose the Threat Protection version)
  • macOS (You may also choose Threat Protection on the App Store NordVPN version)

Threat Protection is a feature that protects you from ads, unsafe connections, and malicious sites while connected to the NordVPN server.

Threat Protection is available on: 

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows
  • NordVPN Chrome Extension
  • NordVPN Firefox Extension
  • NordVPN Edge Extension

What is the difference between Threat Protection Pro and Threat Protection?

There are a few main differences between these features:

  • Threat Protection Pro works without being connected to the VPN, while in order for the Threat Protection feature to be available - you must be connected to a NordVPN server. 
  • These features are available on different OS systems: Only Windows and macOS devices support both of these features, meanwhile, Android, iOS, and Linux devices as well as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge extensions support just Threat Protection.
  • Threat Protection Pro will delete any downloaded malware, while Threat Protection will not.
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