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How can I change my registration email address

To change the email address you registered your NordVPN account with, you need to fill out our email change request form. If you can’t open the form, please contact our support team.

Note: This change will apply to all Nord Security services, including NordLocker and NordPass.

Follow the instructions below to change your registered email address. 

  1. Open the NordVPN email change request form.
  2. Fill in the fields indicated below. This information is required to ensure that no one makes unauthorized changes to your account.
    • Account's current email: Enter the email address you currently use for NordVPN.
    • Contact email (Optional): If you wish, you may provide a different email address for NordVPN support to contact you about the changes that you’re making.
    • Amount paid: Type in the amount of money you paid the last time you made a payment to NordVPN.
    • Method: Select the way you made your last payment (like credit card or PayPal) and enter any other required information.
    • Payment date: Choose the exact date of your last payment.
    • Desired email or username: Type in the new email address you want to use for your NordVPN account.
    • Do you have a NordLocker or NordPass account?: Let us know if you also have an account for NordLocker or NordPass.
    • Description (Optional): Add additional comments or requests for our support team.
    • Attachments (Optional): Attach a picture of your last payment to help speed up the process.
  1. Click the “Submit” button to finish.

Our support team will get in touch with you within 24 hours of your submission of the request. We will send a message to the email address currently registered with your NordVPN account (or to the “Contact email” if you filled out this field on the form.)  


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