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Printer related issues on Windows

When there is an active VPN connection running on your Windows device, you may find that your wireless printer becomes unreachable. If that is the case, there are steps you can take to resolve this issue.

First, please make sure that the option 'Invisibility on LANis turned off. The option can be found in the settings menu, under the Advanced section.

On Windows 7 and 8.1: 

  1. Click on the gear icon to open app settings.

  2. Make sure that the option 'Invisibility on LANis turned off. The option can be found in the settings menu, under the Advanced section.


On Windows 11:

  1. Open application settings by clicking on a gear icon in the left bottom corner.

    win 10 and 11 NordVPN homescreen arrow to settings.png
  2. Go to connection settings.

  3. Make sure that the option 'Stay invisible on LAN' is turned off.

Does the problem persist? No worries, try this:

1. Locate the IP address of the printer. You should be able to find it written in the manual that came with the printer.

2. Now, open the Control Panel. This can be done by clicking on Start and typing "Control Panel" within the search.


3. Inside Control Panel, navigate to Hardware and Sound.


4. There you should see Devices and Printers. Click on it and select "Add a printer".


5. You will see a loading screen. Just below it, select "The printer that I want isn't listed".


6. Check the circle next to "Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or a hostname".


7. Add the following settings: 

Device type: Autodetect

Hostname or IP addressThe IP address of the printer that was located during the first step.


8. Finally, click Next and see if you can now reach your printer.

In the case that this solution does not help, please reach out to our customer support team via one of the buttons below (email/chat).

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