We can’t ensure your security on outdated apps and fix vulnerabilities before they can inflict damage, so we’ll stop supporting these versions. Please update your app now. Otherwise, you won’t be able to connect to a VPN and use other features.
Oldest versions that will continue to receive support
- Windows 7.1/8.1/10 32-bit - 6.45 (Older versions have been deprecated as of May 28th, 2024)
Android - 7
- Android devices having 6.8 or older versions won't be supported by NordVPN from November 20, 2024. To continue using NordVPN, read how to re-install NordVPN on Android.
- If you're using Android Lollipop, we have a special build that will work until further notice. That is version 4.12.11 of NordVPN and you can download it by clicking here.
- macOS 10.11- 6.7.0
- macOS (higher versions than 10.11) - 7.13.0
- iOS - 7.20.0
- Linux - 3.14.1
How to check the NordVPN app version
Open the NordVPN app.
Press on the Settings cog icon in the upper-right corner (or bottom-left corner, depending on the version of the app).
You will be able to see the app version at the top of the page under Settings (or General in older versions of the app)
- Open the NordVPN app.
Click on the profile icon in the bottom-right corner (or in the top-left corner, depending on the version of the app)
Scroll down to the General section (or open the Help Center tab, depending on the version of the app)
Open the NordVPN app, and then click on NordVPN in the upper-left corner.
Then click About NordVPN, there you'll find the version of the app.
- Open the NordVPN app.
Press the Settings button in the upper-right corner (or the lower-right corner, depending on the app's version).
- Scroll down to the bottom until you see the app version.
- Open the NordVPN app through the terminal
Enter the following command: nordvpn -v